Hillsdale College Online Courses

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Welcome to Hillsdale College’s FREE Online Courses. Discover the beauty of the Bible in “The Genesis Story,” encounter the brilliance of Plato and Aristotle in “Introduction to Western Philosophy,” and explore the true meaning of America in “Constitution 101” all with Hillsdale faculty. 

Enter your email below to create your free account and access more than 30 courses on the ideas, people, and events that shaped the West.

Our Newest Course

Classical music expresses the beauty of Western Civilization. It shapes our souls as it calls us to weep, to rejoice, to battle, to rest, to worship, or to intimate prayer. Join Hyperion Knight to discover the beautiful masterpieces of classical music and the stories behind the greatest composers in history.

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The Genesis Story

The Book of Genesis describes the fundamental relationships between God and His creation and man’s special role in creation. Now is a great opportunity to dive into the biblical narrative of Genesis to be ready for our newest course on Exodus.

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Latest Articles

A New Understanding of Human Happiness

Marxist and Freudian intellectuals from the 1920s, 30s, 40s, and 50s (called the New Left) invented a new understanding of human nature, God, and morality, and consequently a new understanding of human happiness. Their new understanding was diametrically opposed to the older understanding of human happiness; the one that had undergirded western civ...

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Genocidal Tyrant Influences American Military Strategy

Genocidal Tyrant Influences American Military Strategy

On this 80th anniversary of D-Day we remember and honor the brave American soldiers who stormed the beaches of Normandy and parachuted into France whi...

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The Rewarding Journey of Becoming Musically Fluent

The Rewarding Journey of Becoming Musically Fluent

Imagine the first time you picked up a golf club, touched a bike, or tried your hand at a new language. Can you remember what the experience was like?...

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War and Consent of the Governed

War and Consent of the Governed

What is the connection between war and the consent of the governed? Is there one? Should there be one? In a republic grounded in consent of the gov...

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Fine Arts

The History of Classical Music: Pythagoras through Beethoven


The Exodus Story


Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol


American Foreign Policy


Ancient Christianity

Mathematics & Natural Sciences

The Great Principles of Chemistry


The American Left: From Liberalism to Despotism


The Real American Founding: A Conversation


Supply-Side Economics and American Prosperity with Arthur Laffer

Philosophy & Religion

C.S. Lewis on Christianity


The Rise and Fall of the Roman Republic


American Citizenship and Its Decline


The David Story: Shepherd, Father, King


Dante’s Divine Comedy

Mathematics & Natural Sciences

Mathematics and Logic: From Euclid to Modern Geometry


Civil Rights in American History

Philosophy & Religion

Introduction to Western Philosophy


Classic Children’s Literature


The Great American Story: A Land of Hope


Constitution 101: The Meaning and History of the Constitution


The Genesis Story: Reading Biblical Narratives

Philosophy & Religion

Introduction to Aristotle’s Ethics: How to Lead a Good Life


The Second World Wars


Congress: How It Worked and Why It Doesn’t


The Young Jane Austen: Northanger Abbey


Western Heritage: From the Book of Genesis to John Locke


Mark Twain: Tom Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn, and Selected Short Stories


Introduction to the Constitution

Philosophy & Religion

Theology 101: The Western Theological Tradition


American Heritage: From Colonial Settlement to the Current Day


Shakespeare: Hamlet and The Tempest


The U.S. Supreme Court


Athens and Sparta


Public Policy from a Constitutional Viewpoint


An Introduction to C.S. Lewis: Writings and Significance


Winston Churchill and Statesmanship


The Federalist Papers

Philosophy & Religion

A Proper Understanding of K-12 Education: Theory and Practice


Great Books 102: Renaissance to Modern


The Presidency and the Constitution


Great Books 101: Ancient to Medieval


Constitution 201: The Progressive Rejection of the Founding and the Rise of Bureaucratic Despotism


Economics 101: The Principles of Free Market Economics