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Paradise Lost
Paradise Lost is the great long, English poem. It is a beautiful, penetrating, and challenging look at human nature, the relationship between God, man, and the angels, and the relationship between men and women. John Milton’s poetry evokes the powerful temptation contained in Satan’s rhetoric to make the reader experience the Fall within himself as Adam eats of the fruit. The poem reveals the stark contrast between Satan’s lies and God’s truth. We face God’s hard justice but rejoice in His mercy. We are reminded that in the midst of decay and turmoil there is hope.
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Virtue and the Company We Keep
February 13, 2025
Although I cannot remember in detail the first time I read Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island, I can remember what I took away from the first reading. I was captivated by the adventure. Pirates, ships, the sea, a tropical island that concealed a priceless treasure chest—that’s what I remember from the first reading. Not realizing how despicable the pirates were, I wanted to be one. There was...

Of Sorcerers and Scientists: Middle-Earth and The Space Trilogy
February 6, 2025
C.S. Lewis’s Space Trilogy concludes with That Hideous Strength, by far the longest of the three books. As David Whalen observes in Lesson Five of our online course, “An Introduction to C.S. Lewis: Writings and Significance,” many of the trilogy’s antagonists embody the manner in which scientific, progressive modernity has run amok. In That Hideous Strength, we see this trend embodied chiefly i...

Our New Course, “Totalitarian Novels”
January 30, 2025
There is an odd appeal about totalitarian novels. Although many novels in these genres often have grim endings, they call to something in us. To be more precise, they call forth something from within us. As Larry Arnn makes clear in our newest course, “Totalitarian Novels,” even when these books contain no hope for those within the novel, they are hopeful to us as readers because they call fort...
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Takes the student through the full context of the course subject matter. Wonderful insight into how we strayed and its consequences and offers a solution.
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