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The Exodus Story

8 lessons

4.5h total length

Explore God’s mercy as He leads Israel out of slavery in Egypt.

Exodus is a central narrative of the Bible. It recounts the moment that God reclaims Israel as His people, rescues them from slavery in Egypt, and establishes the Ten Commandments to guide their moral and religious freedom as an independent society.

God displays His mercy to the Israelites as He continues to provide for all of their needs despite their disobedience and grumblings. But it is important to recognize God’s mercy towards the Egyptians as well. The plague scenes at the heart of the Exodus narrative reveal God’s call for Pharaoh to repent of his attempt to be a god himself, but Pharaoh refuses to heed God’s warnings.

In “The Exodus Story,” Professor of English Justin Jackson picks up the biblical narrative where his course on Genesis ended. Join Professor Jackson in learning about the nature of God’s mercy, human freedom, and the relationship between the divine and man.

The course includes eight lectures, each approximately 30 minutes long. Complete the course and receive a certificate by watching the lectures and taking short quizzes that follow. These are supplemented with additional question-and-answer videos, study guides for each lecture, and a discussion board where you can engage in conversations with other students. Take the course at your own pace and in a manner that best fits your schedule.

Enroll today to discover the beauty of God reclaiming the Israelites through His mercy and love in “The Exodus Story.”

Taught by Justin Jackson, Edrie Seward Kennedy Professor in English Grammar. 

Lessons in this course


lesson 1

Israel in Slavery

Pharaoh fears the growing number of Israelites while they are enslaved in Egypt, so he orders all newborn Israelite boys to be killed. Moses is spared by Pharaoh’s daughter, who adopts him as her own son.


lesson 2

The Burning Bush

God appears to Moses in the Burning Bush and calls him to lead the Israelites out of bondage in Egypt. Pharaoh, who views himself as a god, hardens his heart against Moses and God.


lesson 3

The Plagues, Part One

The plagues show God’s ability to bring death and suffering to Pharaoh and the Egyptians. Pharaoh repents, but then again hardens his heart.


lesson 4

The Plagues, Part Two

God separates the Israelites from the plagues to show that He can spare His people. The Egyptians begin to see God’s power and have the chance to obey God’s commands and be spared as well.


lesson 5


After many warnings and attempts to convince Pharaoh to obey God, the final plague is the death of the firstborn throughout Egypt. The Israelites are spared, and Pharaoh, who is himself a firstborn son, is spared.  Pharaoh finally agrees to let the Israelites go.


lesson 6

Israel in the Wilderness

Pharaoh pursues the Israelites, but he and the Egyptians are destroyed in the Red Sea. The Israelites murmur against God and Moses as they wander through the wilderness. God provides food and water for them.


lesson 7

The Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments establish the proper relationship between God and man and between man and man within the community of God's chosen people. The commandments  remind the people that God saved them from slavery in Egypt and that He is their only God.


lesson 8

Moses and the Glory of God

When Moses returns from Sinai, he finds the Israelites worshiping a golden calf. As God’s wrath flares against the Israelites, Moses pleads the cause of the people, and then Moses mediates God’s wrath to the people by letting his own wrath flare so they will repent and return to obedience.

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What Current Students Are Saying

First off, I am so humbled by all the great discussions on each lesson.  The instructor is well spoken, and the other participants express thoughtful ideas.  I am learning so much! … I cannot thank Hillsdale College enough for this course.  I honestly believe this course is a gift from God.  Thank you so much for this course!!!

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